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Interesting article on Empaths

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Interesting article on Empaths

Post by mtngrl123 Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:14 pm

I came across this interesting articles on empaths. I was mistakenly under the understanding that all hsps experienced emapthic abilities. Thanks for setting me straight Mel Smile

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by melodiccolor Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:19 pm

Empathy is the ability to "read” and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or involuntarily of one's empath capacity. Empathy often works alongside with telepathy, and this mutually enhances the strength of these abilities.

Empaths have the ability to scan another's psyche for thoughts and feelings or for past, present, and future life occurrences. Many empaths are unaware of how this actually works, and have long accepted that they were “sensitive” to others.

Empathy is a “feeling” of another’s true emotions to a point where an empath can relate to that person by sensing true feelings that run deeper than those portrayed on the surface. People commonly put on a “show” of expression. This is a learned trait of hiding authentic expression in an increasingly demanding society.

An empath can sense the truth behind the “cover” and will act compassionately to help that person express him/herself, thus making them feel at ease and not so desperately alone. It’s as though the empath truly understands, and, in many cases, they do through personal “firsthand” experience.

Empaths experience empathy towards family, children, friends, close associates, complete strangers, pets, plants and inanimate objects. Thus, an empath can feel the emotions of people and things at a distance. Some are empathic towards animals (the “Horse Whisperer”), to nature, to the planetary system, to mechanical devices or to buildings. Others will have a combination of the above.

Empaths are highly “sensitive”. This is the term commonly used in describing one's abilities (sensitivity) to another’s emotions and feelings. Empaths have a deep sense of “knowing” that accompanies empathy and are often compassionate, considerate, and understanding of others. Everyone has this natural ability; however, many never choose to utilize their ability and/or are completely unaware of their empathic ability.

There are also varying levels of strength in empaths which may be related to the individual’s awareness of self, understanding of the powers of empathy, and/or the acceptance or non-acceptance of empathy by those associated with them, including family and peers. Generally, those who are empathic grow up with these tendencies and do not learn about them until later in life.

Empathy is genetic, inherent in our DNA, and passed from generation to generation. It is studied both by traditional science and alternative healing practitioners.

Empathy has both biological/genetic and spiritual aspects. Many will claim that empathy and telepathy are strictly of a “spiritual nature”. This is an injustice; just as it is an injustice to focus only on the physical nature of empathy. For indeed, empathy has very physical, mental and spiritual implications and attributes.

It is not unusual for empaths to have experienced many things in their lives. Often many of their life experiences could be considered rather extreme, adventurous, or daring, allowing empaths to be open and receptive to much more. Whereas some people’s lives may be considered rather “soft or easy” and even enviable, that of an empath is often more than just challenging, with many a major roller coaster ride thrown in here and there!

Empaths often possess the ability to sense others on many different levels. From their position in observing what another is saying, feeling and thinking, they come to understand another. They can become very proficient at reading another person’s body language and/or study intently the eye movements. While this in itself is not empathy, it is a side-shoot that comes from being observant of others. In a sense, empaths have a complete communication package.

While there is much we don’t yet understand about how empathy works, we do have some information. Everything has an energetic vibration or frequency and an empath is able to sense these vibrations and recognize even the subtlest changes undetectable to the naked eye or the five senses.

Words of expression hold an energetic pattern that originates from the speaker. They have a specific meaning particular to the speaker. Behind that expression is a power better known as “energy”. For example, hate often brings about an intense feeling that immediately accompanies the word. The word “hate” becomes strengthened with the speaker’s feeling. It is that person’s feelings (energy) that are picked up by empaths, whether the words are spoken, thought or just felt without verbal or bodily expression.

Empaths are creative in many aspects.. Poets, writers, singers, and artists with a high degree of creativity and imagination. They are known for many talents as their interests are varied, broad and continual. They are mother, father, child, friend, nurse, caregiver, teacher, doctor, sales people... to psychic, clairvoyant, healer, etc. (That is not to say that any of these categories are all empaths.) The list is extensive and really unimportant. It is more important to notice that empaths are everywhere--in every culture and throughout the world.

One of the most obvious places for empathic connection is within the parent/child/family bonds. Mothers show recognizable signs of empathy in the early days of conception and this rapidly increases after birth. Children are often mirroring the feelings and thoughts of their parents and siblings because they are empathically “in tune” with them and exposed to them on a daily basis. It is wonderful for children to grow up with parents in awareness of empathy for the children are less likely to suppress their abilities and accept their natural talents.

Empaths are often very affectionate in personality and expression, great listeners and counselors (and not just in the professional area). They will find themselves helping others and often putting their own needs aside to do so. In the same breath, they can be much the opposite. They may be quiet, withdrawn from the outside world, loners, depressed, neurotic, life’s daydreamers, or even narcissistic.

They are most often passionate towards nature and respect its bountiful beauty. One will often find empaths enjoying the outdoors, beaches, walking, etc. Empaths may find themselves continually drawn to nature as a form of release. It is the opportune place to recapture their senses and gain a sense of peace in the hectic lives they may live. The time to get away from it all and unwind with nature becomes essential to the empath. Animals are often dear to the heart of empaths. It is not uncommon for empaths to have more than one pet in their homes. They can be veterinarians and animal caretakers.

Empaths make great friends for life, but are crushed if the friendship is abused. Over time, they will become far more selective. Though they may have a large circle of friends, they generally only have a few “close” ones.

Empaths are often quiet achievers. They can take a while to handle a compliment for they're more inclined to point out another’s positive attributes. They are highly expressive in all areas of emotional connection, and talk openly, and, at times quite frankly. They may have few problems talking about their feelings if another cares to listen (regardless of how much they listen to others).

However, they can be the exact opposite: reclusive and apparently unresponsive at the best of times. They may even appear ignorant. Some are very good at “blocking out” others and that’s not always a bad thing, at least for the learning empath struggling with a barrage of emotions from others, as well as their own feelings.

Empaths have a tendency to openly feel what is outside of them more so than what is inside of them. This can cause empaths to ignore their own needs. In general an empath is non-violent, non-aggressive and leans more towards being the peacemaker. Any area filled with disharmony creates an uncomfortable feeling in an empath. If they find themselves in the middle of a confrontation, they will endeavor to settle the situation as quickly as possible, if not avoid it all together. If any harsh words are expressed in defending themselves, they will likely resent their lack of self-control, and have a preference to peacefully resolve the problem quickly.
Empaths are more inclined to pick up another’s feelings and project it back without realizing its origin in the first place. Talking things out is a major factor in releasing emotions in the learning empath. Empaths can develop an even stronger degree of understanding so that they can find peace in most situations. The downside is that empaths may bottle up emotions and build barriers sky-high so as to not let others know of their innermost thoughts and/or feelings. This withholding of emotional expression can be a direct result of a traumatic experience, an expressionless upbringing, or simply being told as a child, "Children are meant to be seen and not heard!"

Without a doubt, this emotional withholding can be detrimental to one’s health, for the longer one’s thoughts and/or emotions aren't released, the more power they build. The thoughts and/or emotions can eventually becoming explosive, if not crippling. The need to express oneself honestly is a form of healing and a choice open to all. To not do so can result in a breakdown of the person and result in mental/emotional instability or the creation of a physical ailment, illness or disease.

Empaths are sensitive to TV, videos, movies, news and broadcasts. Violence or emotional dramas depicting shocking scenes of physical or emotional pain inflicted on adults, children or animals can bring an empath easily to tears. At times, they may feel physically ill or choke back the tears. Some empaths will struggle to comprehend any such cruelty, and mayl have grave difficulty in expressing themselves in the face of another’s ignorance, closed-mindedness and obvious lack of compassion. They simply cannot justify the suffering they feel and see.

You will find empaths working with people, animals or nature with a true passion and dedication to help them. They are often tireless teachers and/or caretakers for our environment and all within it. Many volunteers are empathic and give up personal time to help others without pay and/or recognition.

Empaths may be excellent storytellers due to an endless imagination, inquisitive minds and ever-expanding knowledge. They can be old romantics at heart and very gentle. They may also be the “keepers” of ancestral knowledge and family history. If not the obvious family historians, they may be the ones who listen to the stories passed down and possess the majority of the family history. Not surprisingly, they may have started or possess a family tree.

They have a broad interest in music to suit their many expressive temperaments, and others can query how empaths can listen to one style of music, and within minutes, change to something entirely different. Lyrics within a song can have adverse, powerful effects on empaths, especially if it is relevant to a recent experience. In these moments, it is advisable for empaths to listen to music without lyrics, to avoid playing havoc with their emotions!

They are just as expressive with body language as with words, thoughts, and feelings. Their creativity is often expressed through dance, acting, and bodily movements. Empaths can project an incredible amount of energy portraying and/or releasing emotion. Empaths can become lost in the music, to the point of being in a trance-like state; they become one with the music through the expression of their physical bodies. They describe this feeling as a time when all else around them is almost non-existent.

People of all walks of life and animals are attracted to the warmth and genuine compassion of empaths. Regardless of whether others are aware of one being empathic, people are drawn to them as a metal object is to a magnet!

Even complete strangers find it easy to talk to empaths about the most personal things, and before they know it, they have poured out their hearts and souls without intending to do so consciously. It is as though on a sub-conscious level that person knows instinctively that empaths would listen with compassionate understanding. Then again, for empaths, it is always nice to actually be heard themselves!

Here are the listeners of life. They can be outgoing, bubbly, enthusiastic and a joy to be in the presence of, as well as highly humorous at the most unusual moments! On the flip side, empaths can be weighted with mood swings that will have others around them want to jump overboard and abandon ship! The thoughts and feelings empaths receive from any and all in their life can be so overwhelming (if not understood) that their moods can fluctuate with lightning speed. One moment they may be delightfully happy and with a flick of the switch, miserable.

Abandoning an empath in the throes of alternating moods can create detrimental effects. A simple return of empathic love--listening and caring compassionately without bias, judgment and/or condemnation--can go an incredibly long way to an empath's instant recovery. Many empaths don't understand what is occurring within them. They literally have no idea that another person’s emotions are now felt, as one’s own and reflected outwardly. They are confused as to how one moment all was well, and then the next, they feel so depressed, alone, etc. The need to understand the possibilities of empath connection is a vital part of the empaths journey for themselves and for those around them.

Empaths are often problem solvers, thinkers, and studiers of many things. As far as empaths are concerned, where a problem is, so too is the answer. They often will search until they find one--if only for peace of mind. This can certainly prove beneficial for others in their relationships, in the workplace, or on the home front. Where there is a will, there is a way and the empath will find it. The empath can literally (likely without the knowledge of what’s actually occurring) tap into Universal Knowledge and be receptive to guidance in solving anything they put their head and hearts into.

Empaths often are vivid and/or lucid dreamers. They can dream in detail and are inquisitive of dream content. Often they feel as though the dreams are linked to their physical life somehow, and not just a mumble of nonsensical, irrelevant, meaningless images. This curiosity will lead many empathic dreamers to unravel some of the “mysterious” dream contents from an early age and connect the interpretation to its relevance in their physical life. If not, they may be led to dream interpretations through other means.

Empaths are daydreamers with difficulty keeping focused on the mundane. If life isn't stimulating, off an empath will go into a detached state of mind. They will go somewhere, anywhere, in a thought that appears detached from the physical reality, yet is alive and active for they really are off and away. If a tutor is lecturing with little to no emotional input, empaths will not be receptive to such teaching and can (unintentionally) drift into a state of daydreaming.

Give the empath student the tutor who speaks with stimuli and emotion (through actual experience of any given subject) and the empath is receptively alert. Empaths are a captivated audience. This same principle applies in acting. An actor will either captivate the audience through expressing (in all aspects) emotions (as though they really did experience the role they are portraying) or will loose them entirely. Empaths make outstanding actors.

Empaths frequently experience déjà vu and synchronicities. What may initially start as, "Oh, what a coincidence", will lead to the understanding of synchronicities as an aspect of who they are. These synchronicities will become a welcomed and continually expanding occurrence. As an understanding of self grows, the synchronicities become more fluent and free flowing. The synchronicities can promote a feeling of euphoria as empaths identify with them and appreciate the connection to their empathic nature.

Empaths are most likely to have had varying paranormal experiences throughout their lives. NDE's (Near death experiences) and or OBE's (Out of body experiences) can catapult an unaware empath into the awakening period and provide the momentum for a journey of discovery. Those who get caught up in life, in society’s often dictating ways, in work etc., can become lost in a mechanical way of living that provides very little meaning. All “signs of guidance” are ignored to shift out of this state of “doing”. A path to being whole again becomes evident and a search for more meaning in one’s life begins.

These types of experiences appear dramatic, can be life-altering indeed, and are most assuredly just as intensely memorable in years to come. They are the voice of guidance encouraging us to pursue our journey in awareness. Sometimes, some of us require that extra assistance!

For some empaths, the lack of outside understanding towards paranormal events they experience, may lead to suppressing such abilities. (Most of these abilities are very natural and not a coincidence.) Empaths may unknowingly adopt the positive or negative attitude of others as their own. (This, however, can be overcome.) Empaths may need to follow interests in the paranormal and the unexplained with curiosity so as to explain and accept their life circumstances.

This is a really good overall artical. I don't agree with the family historian part, but the rest seems to be dead on. This is an excellent primer for explaining this to nonempaths and those who are newly opening to it.

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by tezorian Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:41 am

TLDR; Razz

No worries mtngrl, i had thought the same for a while. Even though the people i spoke to/communicated with all said all HSPs had this, i didn't agree, but accepted it for the time being.

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by rombomb Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:42 pm

I'm confused. I read this empath article. Much of what is said is true about me. But none of the powers. Although over time I am getting much better at reading peoples emotions by paying attention to body language.

I act altruistically too often. The ones that know me well tell me that I need to be more selfish.

I heard a story about a bodybuilder hitting a donkey in the gut. Everyone else laughed. I was crying inside trying my darnedest not to show it.

I tried to make people around me feel good. But I mess it up. Or at least I used to. I way better now. Yesterday I tried to make Katie feel better about her dislexia and speech impediment by telling her that I'm asby. I don't know if it worked. She seemed very interested to know why I was searching out what was 'wrong' (can't find the words) with me.

I can't stomach violence in videos. I have to look away when watching Tosh.0. Makes me cringe. I wasn't always like that though. Its getting worse. I cry a lot in movies. Thats not new. But I its getting worse.

I am extremely moody... my family and employees tell me all the time.

I daydream constantly.

I see coincidences everywhere.

Back in highschool, when my team mates were energetic, I was too. When they were not, I was not. I mimicked them. What does this mean?

I have haunting memories... of the things that I've said to people that made them feel bad. So I never say those things again. But I didn't know they would make them feel bad.

Is empath separate from asbergers?

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by Samt03 Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:12 pm

I think I'm gonna make hubby read this, explains things a lot better then I have been.

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by melodiccolor Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:48 pm

rombomb wrote:I'm confused. I read this empath article. Much of what is said is true about me. But none of the powers. Although over time I am getting much better at reading peoples emotions by paying attention to body language.

I act altruistically too often. The ones that know me well tell me that I need to be more selfish.

I heard a story about a bodybuilder hitting a donkey in the gut. Everyone else laughed. I was crying inside trying my darnedest not to show it.

I tried to make people around me feel good. But I mess it up. Or at least I used to. I way better now. Yesterday I tried to make Katie feel better about her dislexia and speech impediment by telling her that I'm asby. I don't know if it worked. She seemed very interested to know why I was searching out what was 'wrong' (can't find the words) with me.

I can't stomach violence in videos. I have to look away when watching Tosh.0. Makes me cringe. I wasn't always like that though. Its getting worse. I cry a lot in movies. Thats not new. But I its getting worse.

I am extremely moody... my family and employees tell me all the time.

I daydream constantly.

I see coincidences everywhere.

Back in highschool, when my team mates were energetic, I was too. When they were not, I was not. I mimicked them. What does this mean?

I have haunting memories... of the things that I've said to people that made them feel bad. So I never say those things again. But I didn't know they would make them feel bad.

Is empath separate from asbergers?

Yes it is. But not compassion. You are a compassionate person, caring. Many people are who are not empaths. The reason is it was emphasized in the article is that virtually all empaths start out that way and the vast majority remain that way for life, not gaining a hard edge most nonempaths seem to aquire over time.

To be compassionate and caring is a wonderful thing.

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by RBM Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:38 pm

Ingo Swann had a lot to say about empathy, for example:

The word TELEPATHY actually means empathy across distance (tele-). "Empathy" refers to (1) the capacity for participating in another's feelings or ideas, and (2) the projection of a subjective state so that those affected by the projection themselves appear to be infused with it.

From elsewhere at his site:

So, about two or three weeks later, the detectives were back again, this time with six face-down photos.
BoBo sat and began his scrutiny with his usual calm indifference, but took a little longer before he said anything, sort of shifting this way and that in his chair.
“ This is about a missing person, the second card from the right (pause). Can I see him?”
So he was shown – but still did not touch the card. “Yes,” BoBo said, “that’s him. He seems to have been an important police informant about some important investigation underway.”
One of the detectives: “…seems to HAVE BEEN?”
“ Oh, yes, he’s already dead, about a week or ten days ago, I’d say. . . . it was over in New Jersey, outside of Trenton to the north a little.
“ They beat the shit out of him, but he wouldn’t talk, they took a hacksaw and sawed off his left foot. He fainted.
“ They then strangled him with a piece of narrow wire that cut through.
“ His face turned blue.
“ They threw him and his severed foot in the trunk of an old green car and drove him away.”
Then: “Where did they go?”
“ Oh, that,” BoBo responded with tears in his eyes. “The green car is left abandoned in the parking lot of (deleted) raceway.
It’ll be discovered soon, because the body has already begun to stink.”
About a week later, we were told that the stinking car had been found, and that the detectives, now thoroughly impressed, had another “task.”

BoBo, however, was a somewhat hysterical wreck. “I can’t get the bloody brutal thoughts of the killers and pictures out of my head - especially the sawing off part, the smell of the bone, blood, the agony of the guy, my skin again and again crawls with his fear and pain. God Damn! I can hardly sleep, every time I close my eyes there’s that FOOT dangling. Even drink doesn’t help. I’ve had to get pills.”
About two weeks later, “Well, I’m a bit better now, but let the cops train their own clairvoyants, and let them be forensic specialists who are used to this kind of shit.”
So, that was the end of BoBo’s clairvoyant detecting – after only three tries at it.

Clairvoyance? Or was it telepathic, or, perhaps empathic? Whatever it was, it was clearly WITH IT + PARTICIPATORY – completely in keeping with, to paraphrase a little, “Putting oneself into a empathic-telepathic-somatic-psychological frame of reference so as to participate in (i.e., “mirror”) another person’s feelings, no matter how strong, deep, destructive, or abnormal they may be.”

Ingo for those not familiar, was one of the co-creators of the term Remote Viewing, with his boss at the time Hal Puthoff. This was during their participation in US intelligence assessment programs of, what is called today, but not then, psychic spies.

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by rombomb Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:05 am

Can someone explain this?

Today I read this post about Remote Viewing.

Hours later my mom and I decided to watch a movie on netflix. She was browsing and picked the first movie, a black and white one I didn't want to watch. Then she picked a 2nd one, "The Men Who Stare At Goats," I said sure the title seems funny.

I'm watching it now. Its about Remote Viewing.

Coincidence? Or something else?

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by Bluedream Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:16 am

Something I experience so much daily that I now just smile and shrug off as...hmmm...?!
I'm certain that many other HSPs do also.
It could be a 'Oohh wow!' moment for some...but I don't choose to make that big a deal about it anymore. It's just sort of funny and 'tickles' that in me sometimes...
but...that's 'me'...

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by rombomb Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:53 am

I think there is another thing to think about.

I may have heard the term *Remote Viewing* in the past but since I didn't know what it means, or the importance of it, it didn't *sink* in, i.e. I didn't learn it, i.e. no memory was created in my mind regarding *Remote Viewing*.

Then after learning a bunch from mel and others about empath ability, I had learned a wealth of knowledge that made me able to understand *Remote Viewing*.

Then when I read the term *Remote Viewing* yesterday, it synced with my already existing knowledge of empath ability.

So then when I saw the movie, the term *Remote Viewing* rang a bell.

So it seemed like a coincidence (or even more), but I could have heard that term multiple times in the past.

What do you think?


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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by RBM Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:22 am

Here's another way to look at it -

Are you familiar with the effects of magnetism ?

Your learning from mel et al, increased the strength of attraction by you toward that topic. In other words you affected the 'cause and effect' chain in reality.

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by rombomb Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:39 am

RBM wrote:Here's another way to look at it -

Are you familiar with the effects of magnetism ?

Your learning from mel et al, increased the strength of attraction by you toward that topic. In other words you affected the 'cause and effect' chain in reality.

I like the correlation. Especially since my education background is physics. Smile

I find myself making correlations like that a lot. Thanks for showing me a new one.


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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by Bluedream Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:53 am

I think that the line between what we 'know here' our short, 'measured by this plane' life span and the infinite is so very vast that the possibilities could be endless. could care to indulge and chase these 'synchronicities' or one could just let em flow through and do what they will. Either way...yeah...we notice them and some make us ponder...but we still don't really know why.
We can many do...and I suppose some should...but will we still ever really know on this 'plane' of existence...from this limited perspective?
I don't think so...least it has never 'enlightened' me as of yet.
Doesn't make that wrong or right...just 'is'.
Is there a 'projection' of sorts in thoughts or words/ideas read to another? Perhaps;
I've had many say things that I either thought of or read just prior to them saying them...and I've heard stuff on the radio or saw things on a billboard or t.v. just after I was thinking of them. Still...and could be so much more than just about 'me' and what my own mind thought of prior to. What was 'projected' at me and why did I pick it up?
I just don't know why...and sometimes it's just easier to laugh about it all and chalk it all up to our limited mortal existence.
I like Matt Damon's character in "Hereafter' when he tells the twin surviving kid that he just doesn't know where his brother went after he lost his 'connection' to him. Even his great 'psychic ability' is limited here. He just tells him that 'you are of the same cell...he's with you now...all of the time.' That is special!
I'm not saying it ain't important or anything...I'm just kind of losing the 'X-man' aspect of this; don't wish to rain on a parade or two in saying this...I know so many HSPs so want to feel more special than non HSPs because of our 'gentle gifts'...but we're still all 'human' firstly.
I like to try to keep that 'thought' foremost in mind.

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by rombomb Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:33 pm

I agree that we can't know everything.

But we (humankind) can get ever closer to knowing everything (without ever reaching it).

What we know is *conjectural knowledge*. Reality is *objective truth*.

Our conjectural knowledge will never reach objective truth.

We can only continue to get closer to it for the rest of time...


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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by Alethia Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:57 pm

Bluedream wrote: I think that the line between what we 'know here' our short, 'measured by this plane' life span and the infinite is so very vast that the possibilities could be endless. could care to indulge and chase these 'synchronicities' or one could just let em flow through and do what they will. Either way...yeah...we notice them and some make us ponder...but we still don't really know why.
We can many do...and I suppose some should...but will we still ever really know on this 'plane' of existence...from this limited perspective?
I don't think so...least it has never 'enlightened' me as of yet.
Doesn't make that wrong or right...just 'is'.
Is there a 'projection' of sorts in thoughts or words/ideas read to another? Perhaps;
I've had many say things that I either thought of or read just prior to them saying them...and I've heard stuff on the radio or saw things on a billboard or t.v. just after I was thinking of them. Still...and could be so much more than just about 'me' and what my own mind thought of prior to. What was 'projected' at me and why did I pick it up?
I just don't know why...and sometimes it's just easier to laugh about it all and chalk it all up to our limited mortal existence.
I like Matt Damon's character in "Hereafter' when he tells the twin surviving kid that he just doesn't know where his brother went after he lost his 'connection' to him. Even his great 'psychic ability' is limited here. He just tells him that 'you are of the same cell...he's with you now...all of the time.' That is special!
I'm not saying it ain't important or anything...I'm just kind of losing the 'X-man' aspect of this; don't wish to rain on a parade or two in saying this...I know so many HSPs so want to feel more special than non HSPs because of our 'gentle gifts'...but we're still all 'human' firstly.
I like to try to keep that 'thought' foremost in mind.

All the wonders of spirit at me its wonderful..and a gift to be a part of it all... including your words today bludream.

Sometimes its easy to get caught up on "one" aspect of self, whether it be our gifts or whether it be our human aspects. For me its a constant stream of it all. If I ask myself in this moment as I go within...what is most important to me in my life right now? I wonder what comes? For each of us that of course may be very different but all very valid to their journey.....When you truly listen, you will be remindered whats most important. I think the key is balance and connection to all those things that are important....but never ignoring the gift spirit sends your way. When a child makes a new discovery, how do they respond? Is that not all a gift from spirit? The delight, the joy excitment in that newfound world. Spirit is a divinely alligned orchestrated structure..and every opportunity/ a blessing....

I asked myself that question by the way......and three times the same answer came...MY family..Smile
today I am going to keep that thought with me and take action to honour that balance of course....cos I count too..... Very Happy

Last edited by Alethia on Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by Alethia Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:32 pm

rombomb wrote:I agree that we can't know everything.

But we (humankind) can get ever closer to knowing everything (without ever reaching it).

What we know is *conjectural knowledge*. Reality is *objective truth*.

Our conjectural knowledge will never reach objective truth.

We can only continue to get closer to it for the rest of time...


And as we get closer........we get closer to "all" that we need for our journey..........and in that "all" the most important spaces will reveal themselves.

In the unknowing their is the knowing and that is your own truth....follow that inner truth and you will reach that space of connection....where there is no seperation......and getting closer then takes on new new light.......and it deepens.

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by Bluedream Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:12 am

Alethia wrote:
rombomb wrote:I agree that we can't know everything.

But we (humankind) can get ever closer to knowing everything (without ever reaching it).

What we know is *conjectural knowledge*. Reality is *objective truth*.

Our conjectural knowledge will never reach objective truth.

We can only continue to get closer to it for the rest of time...


And as we get closer........we get closer to "all" that we need for our journey..........and in that "all" the most important spaces will reveal themselves.

In the unknowing their is the knowing and that is your own truth....follow that inner truth and you will reach that space of connection....where there is no seperation......and getting closer then takes on new new light.......and it deepens.

I agree! There is certainly things revealed to us by our kind of innocent, helpless 'unknowing'. Everything is always changing, rearranging and there is kind of a contant 'wonder' about this that we can take in and 'evaluate' for our own unique experience.
I think in our admittance to NOT knowing...we can give of ourselves to learn. is very 'childlike wonder' was stated. I suppose that Is why I tend to sort of 'laugh' at the unknowing sometimes...simply because we don't know but are still open to be given 'sight' from 'God'...or whatever you wish to name 'spirit'....'source'...
I suppose it's important to also say that from a 'humanistic' side...we can admit to ourselves that even though we like to think...[as humans] that we can control so much...we really have so very little that we can...and at times I see us as being so primitive/primal. Even our silly time is an illusion! Ha! Perhaps that 'primal simplicity' is what we need most sometimes. The little 'child' looking at the night sky in wonder...naming constellations...reaching up to try and touch them...

Alethia...i was re-reading your response today and had this epiphany in the form of these lyrics...pop in my head. An 'epiphany' could be a form of 'synchronicity in progress' sometimes...[who knows...cause it may not have happened Very Happy ].
The old Yes song 'Perpetual Change';
'And one peculiar point I see,
As one of many ones of me.
As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
Perpetual change.'



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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by Alethia Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:13 pm

Bluedream wrote:
Alethia wrote:
rombomb wrote:I agree that we can't know everything.

But we (humankind) can get ever closer to knowing everything (without ever reaching it).

What we know is *conjectural knowledge*. Reality is *objective truth*.

Our conjectural knowledge will never reach objective truth.

We can only continue to get closer to it for the rest of time...


And as we get closer........we get closer to "all" that we need for our journey..........and in that "all" the most important spaces will reveal themselves.

In the unknowing their is the knowing and that is your own truth....follow that inner truth and you will reach that space of connection....where there is no seperation......and getting closer then takes on new new light.......and it deepens.

I agree! There is certainly things revealed to us by our kind of innocent, helpless 'unknowing'. Everything is always changing, rearranging and there is kind of a contant 'wonder' about this that we can take in and 'evaluate' for our own unique experience.
I think in our admittance to NOT knowing...we can give of ourselves to learn. is very 'childlike wonder' was stated. I suppose that Is why I tend to sort of 'laugh' at the unknowing sometimes...simply because we don't know but are still open to be given 'sight' from 'God'...or whatever you wish to name 'spirit'....'source'...
I suppose it's important to also say that from a 'humanistic' side...we can admit to ourselves that even though we like to think...[as humans] that we can control so much...we really have so very little that we can...and at times I see us as being so primitive/primal. Even our silly time is an illusion! Ha! Perhaps that 'primal simplicity' is what we need most sometimes. The little 'child' looking at the night sky in wonder...naming constellations...reaching up to try and touch them...

Alethia...i was re-reading your response today and had this epiphany in the form of these lyrics...pop in my head. An 'epiphany' could be a form of 'synchronicity in progress' sometimes...[who knows...cause it may not have happened Very Happy ].
The old Yes song 'Perpetual Change';
'And one peculiar point I see,
As one of many ones of me.
As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
Perpetual change.'


I bolded the part that jumped out at me..Smile At three am the other morning, I was a little emotional, ungrounded...couldnt sleep and so took myself outside. As I looked up to the sky, it was a beautiful clear night, all the stars were shining brightly, some very bright, some not as bright, the moon was glowing and smiling at me. I noticed a triangle of light way up high moving across the sky. I didnt have my glasses on, so the light appeared to me like a something unusual, but interesting and captivating...that made me look a little closer. Of course at that point I realized it was a plane, but I thoujht how interesting that in my inability to not fully see, my imagination, awareness, interest etc...created thoughts that it might be a sign from spirit, a spaceship I thought, a trangle of stars all formed and moving, spirit dancing three stars together to get my attention....a moment from spirit to allow me to see something beyond the beauty I already had felt in my heart.. but then I realized their was another inspire capture my interest and awe. In realization I did then decide it was a plane. I also then connected to how beautiful it must be flying at this time, how peaceful and stunning the night sky would feel. So calm and spectucular....and what a wonderful gift...... every part of that moment allowed me to come back down to earth...and I suddenly felt very grounded..and that pain inside suddenly transformed itself. Oh their was one more thing I felt as I watched the night sky. I was observing how some of the stars as I mentioned were not so bright, but still I noticed them along with the ones that were larger and standing out more....... I observed it far as I could see and feel...In that moment I went to a place inside me that spoke to me..

"Every star regardless of how bright it shines, creates this beatuiful sky for me to witness and be a part of in this moment. Even the plane and those inside the plane, the lights of the plane and my all came together and I was able to smile and appreciate the wonder of my life, the gift of life, my gift to this life...and I went back to bed ..feeling happy inside. Sleep sunny That song you shared seemed fitting to that moment...

You are a very special man bluedream and very gifted in many many ways... Very Happy

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by sophiabeldris Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:37 pm

Alethia wrote:
Bluedream wrote:
Alethia wrote:
rombomb wrote:I agree that we can't know everything.

But we (humankind) can get ever closer to knowing everything (without ever reaching it).

What we know is *conjectural knowledge*. Reality is *objective truth*.

Our conjectural knowledge will never reach objective truth.

We can only continue to get closer to it for the rest of time...


And as we get closer........we get closer to "all" that we need for our journey..........and in that "all" the most important spaces will reveal themselves.

In the unknowing their is the knowing and that is your own truth....follow that inner truth and you will reach that space of connection....where there is no seperation......and getting closer then takes on new new light.......and it deepens.

I agree! There is certainly things revealed to us by our kind of innocent, helpless 'unknowing'. Everything is always changing, rearranging and there is kind of a contant 'wonder' about this that we can take in and 'evaluate' for our own unique experience.
I think in our admittance to NOT knowing...we can give of ourselves to learn. is very 'childlike wonder' was stated. I suppose that Is why I tend to sort of 'laugh' at the unknowing sometimes...simply because we don't know but are still open to be given 'sight' from 'God'...or whatever you wish to name 'spirit'....'source'...
I suppose it's important to also say that from a 'humanistic' side...we can admit to ourselves that even though we like to think...[as humans] that we can control so much...we really have so very little that we can...and at times I see us as being so primitive/primal. Even our silly time is an illusion! Ha! Perhaps that 'primal simplicity' is what we need most sometimes. The little 'child' looking at the night sky in wonder...naming constellations...reaching up to try and touch them...

Alethia...i was re-reading your response today and had this epiphany in the form of these lyrics...pop in my head. An 'epiphany' could be a form of 'synchronicity in progress' sometimes...[who knows...cause it may not have happened Very Happy ].
The old Yes song 'Perpetual Change';
'And one peculiar point I see,
As one of many ones of me.
As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
Perpetual change.'


I bolded the part that jumped out at me..Smile At three am the other morning, I was a little emotional, ungrounded...couldnt sleep and so took myself outside. As I looked up to the sky, it was a beautiful clear night, all the stars were shining brightly, some very bright, some not as bright, the moon was glowing and smiling at me. I noticed a triangle of light way up high moving across the sky. I didnt have my glasses on, so the light appeared to me like a something unusual, but interesting and captivating...that made me look a little closer. Of course at that point I realized it was a plane, but I thoujht how interesting that in my inability to not fully see, my imagination, awareness, interest etc...created thoughts that it might be a sign from spirit, a spaceship I thought, a trangle of stars all formed and moving, spirit dancing three stars together to get my attention....a moment from spirit to allow me to see something beyond the beauty I already had felt in my heart.. but then I realized their was another inspire capture my interest and awe. In realization I did then decide it was a plane. I also then connected to how beautiful it must be flying at this time, how peaceful and stunning the night sky would feel. So calm and spectucular....and what a wonderful gift...... every part of that moment allowed me to come back down to earth...and I suddenly felt very grounded..and that pain inside suddenly transformed itself. Oh their was one more thing I felt as I watched the night sky. I was observing how some of the stars as I mentioned were not so bright, but still I noticed them along with the ones that were larger and standing out more....... I observed it far as I could see and feel...In that moment I went to a place inside me that spoke to me..

"Every star regardless of how bright it shines, creates this beatuiful sky for me to witness and be a part of in this moment. Even the plane and those inside the plane, the lights of the plane and my all came together and I was able to smile and appreciate the wonder of my life, the gift of life, my gift to this life...and I went back to bed ..feeling happy inside. Sleep sunny That song you shared seemed fitting to that moment...

You are a very special man bluedream and very gifted in many many ways... Very Happy

Alethia... this was awesome. I felt like I was there with you watching the sky and seeing it unfold before me!

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Interesting article on Empaths Empty Re: Interesting article on Empaths

Post by behr_naked_soul Sun May 18, 2014 8:21 pm

melodiccolor wrote:
   The downside is that empaths may bottle up emotions and build barriers sky-high so as to not let others know of their innermost thoughts and/or feelings.  This withholding of emotional expression can be a direct result of a traumatic experience, an expressionless upbringing, or simply being told as a child, "Children are meant to be seen and not heard!"

Without a doubt, this emotional withholding can be detrimental to one’s health, for the longer one’s thoughts and/or emotions aren't released, the more power they build.  The thoughts and/or emotions can eventually becoming explosive, if not crippling.  The need to express oneself honestly is a form of healing and a choice open to all.  To not do so can result in a breakdown of the person and result in mental/emotional instability or the creation of a physical ailment, illness or disease.

Empaths are sensitive to TV, videos, movies, news and broadcasts. Violence or emotional dramas depicting shocking scenes of physical or emotional pain inflicted on adults, children or animals can bring an empath easily to tears.  At times, they may feel physically ill or choke back the tears.  Some empaths will struggle to comprehend any such cruelty, and mayl have grave difficulty in expressing themselves in the face of another’s ignorance, closed-mindedness and obvious lack of compassion.  They simply cannot justify the suffering they feel and see.

They have a broad interest in music to suit their many expressive temperaments, and others can query how empaths can listen to one style of music, and within minutes, change to something entirely different.  Lyrics within a song can have adverse, powerful effects on empaths, especially if it is relevant to a recent experience.  In these moments, it is advisable for empaths to listen to music without lyrics, to avoid playing havoc with their emotions!

Here are the listeners of life. They can be outgoing, bubbly, enthusiastic and a joy to be in the presence of, as well as highly humorous at the most unusual moments!  On the flip side, empaths can be weighted with mood swings that will have others around them want to jump overboard and abandon ship!  The thoughts and feelings empaths receive from any and all in their life can be so overwhelming (if not understood) that their moods can fluctuate with lightning speed.  One moment they may be delightfully happy and with a flick of the switch, miserable.

Abandoning an empath in the throes of alternating moods can create detrimental effects.  A simple return of empathic love--listening and caring compassionately without bias, judgment and/or condemnation--can go an incredibly long way to an empath's instant recovery.  Many empaths don't understand what is occurring within them.  They literally have no idea that another person’s emotions are now felt, as one’s own and reflected outwardly.  They are confused as to how one moment all was well, and then the next, they feel so depressed, alone, etc.  The need to understand the possibilities of empath connection is a vital part of the empaths journey for themselves and for those around them.  

Empaths are often problem solvers, thinkers, and studiers of many things.  As far as empaths are concerned, where a problem is, so too is the answer.  They often will search until they find one--if only for peace of mind.  This can certainly prove beneficial for others in their relationships, in the workplace, or on the home front.  Where there is a will, there is a way and the empath will find it.  The empath can literally (likely without the knowledge of what’s actually occurring) tap into Universal Knowledge and be receptive to guidance in solving anything they put their head and hearts into.

Empaths often are vivid and/or lucid dreamers.  They can dream in detail and are inquisitive of dream content. Often they feel as though the dreams are linked to their physical life somehow, and not just a mumble of nonsensical, irrelevant, meaningless images.  This curiosity will lead many empathic dreamers to unravel some of the “mysterious” dream contents from an early age and connect the interpretation to its relevance in their physical life.  If not, they may be led to dream interpretations through other means.

Empaths are daydreamers with difficulty keeping focused on the mundane.  If life isn't stimulating, off an empath will go into a detached state of mind.  They will go somewhere, anywhere, in a thought that appears detached from the physical reality, yet is alive and active for they really are off and away.   If a tutor is lecturing with little to no emotional input, empaths will not be receptive to such teaching and can (unintentionally) drift into a state of daydreaming.  

Empaths frequently experience déjà vu and synchronicities.  What may initially start as, "Oh, what a coincidence", will lead to the understanding of synchronicities as an aspect of who they are.  These synchronicities will become a welcomed and continually expanding occurrence.  As an understanding of self grows, the synchronicities become more fluent and free flowing.  The synchronicities can promote a feeling of euphoria as empaths identify with them and appreciate the connection to their empathic nature.

" "Children are meant to be seen and not heard!" -----OMG. That is the epitome of my childhood. ALWAYS tip-toeing on eggshells.

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